hen Jesus is present, all is good and nothing seems difficult; but when Jesus is absent, all is hard. When Jesus speaks not inwardly to us, all other comfort is worth nothing; but if Jesus speak but one word we feel great comfort. Did not Mary rise immediately from the place where she wept, when Martha said to her: “The Teacher is here, and is asking for you” ?† Happy hour, when Jesus calls us from tears to spiritual joy!
How dry and hard are you without Jesus! How foolish and vain, if you desire anything out of Jesus! Is not this a greater loss, than if you should lose the whole world? What can the world profit you without Jesus? To be without Jesus is a grievous Hell; and to be with Jesus, a sweet Paradise. If Jesus is with you, no enemy will be able to hurt you. He who finds Jesus finds a rich treasure— a Good above all good. And he who loses Jesus loses much indeed— more than the whole world! Poor is he who lives without Jesus; and rich is he who is well with Jesus.
It is great skill to know how to hold converse with Jesus; and to know how to keep Jesus, great wisdom. Be humble and peaceable, and Jesus will be with you. Be devout and quiet, and Jesus will stay with you.
You may drive away Jesus, and lose His favor if you turn aside to